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Council Resolution 03-10

Council Resolution 03-10

Distribution: General



Washington D.C., 25 June 2003

Indicators of Children’s Health and the Environment in North America


RECOGNIZING the importance of providing decision-makers and the public with periodic, understandable information on the status of children’s health and the environment in North America as a means of tracking changes and promoting effective preventative action; 

NOTING WITH ENCOURAGEMENT the significant progress that has been made, through collaboration among the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), the International Joint Commission (IJC) Health Professionals Task Force, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), in creating a framework for the development of indicators of children’s health and the environment in North America;

FURTHER RECOGNIZING the global partnership launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002 to promote the development of indicators of children’s health and the environment;

WELCOMING the emerging role for North America, through the CEC and its partners, to serve as a global leader in this area; and

RECOGNIZING the need for a flexible approach that takes differing national circumstances, priorities and data availability into account, while seeking to continuously improve data quality and comparability;


DIRECTS the CEC Secretariat, with the involvement of the Parties and in continued partnership with the IJC, PAHO and WHO, to prepare a first report on indicators of children’s health and the environment in North America, to be published in 2004;

UNDERTAKES to ensure that the CEC Secretariat be provided with the data, where available, to compile an initial set of twelve indicators of children’s health and the environment as identified in the document “Recommendations for the Development of Children’s Health and the Environment Indicators in North America,” for inclusion in this indicator report (other relevant health indicators may be added as decided by the Parties and based on data availability);

RESOLVES to continuously improve, thereafter, the quality and comparability of the indicators and data across North America, in coordination with, and taking into account the developments of, the international effort on children’s environmental health indicators; and

FURTHER RESOLVES to undertake a subsequent publication of indicators of children’s health and the environment within five years of the publication of the first report, and periodically thereafter.




David Anderson

Government of Canada


Victor Lichtinger

Government of the United Mexican States


Christine Todd Whitman

Government of the United States of America

Indicators of Children’s Health and the Environment in North America