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Council Resolution 01-03

Council Resolution 01-03

Distribution: General

C/01-00/RES/03/Rev. 9


Guadalajara, 29 June 2001

Establishment of the Biodiversity Conservation Working Group


RECOGNIZING that through shared migratory and transboundary species and ecosystems the environments of Canada, Mexico and the United States are intricately linked and interdependent;

ACKNOWLEDGING the need to develop a long-term, comprehensive strategy to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity in North America;

NOTING the existing efforts of the Parties in participating in cooperative biodiversity conservation initiatives, the desirability of avoiding duplication of effort and the important contributions the Parties can make in finalizing the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Strategic Plan for Conservation of Biodiversity (Strategic Plan) and providing guidance on the Strategic Plan’s implementation;

REAFFIRMING the objectives of Article 1(c) of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC): “increase cooperation between the Parties to better conserve, protect, and enhance the environment, including wild flora and fauna” and of Article 1(f) of the NAAEC: “strengthen cooperation on the development and improvement of environmental laws, regulations, procedures, policies and practices”;

ACTING pursuant to Article 9(5)(a) of the NAAEC which allows the Council to “establish, and assign responsibilities to, …working groups or expert groups”;


AGREES TO ESTABLISH a Biodiversity Conservation Working Group (Working Group) to be composed of up to four members from each country, including governmental and nongovernmental representatives selected by each Party. The Working Group will:

  • identify for the Council areas of emerging interest or opportunities for biodiversity conservation, as well as program and implementation approaches, including innovative public/private partnerships;
  • promote the comprehensive integration of the CEC’s biodiversity-related activities;
  • provide recommendations and advice to the Council on the CEC Conservation of Biodiversity program;
  • support the continuous commitment of the Parties toward the finalization, setting of priorities and effective implementation of the Strategic Plan;
  • review past and ongoing work of the CEC related to biodiversity conservation in order to incorporate past experience into the Strategic Plan; and
  • provide recommendations to the Council on the implementation of the Strategic Plan, including any regional action plans;

UNDERTAKES to provide direct support to those initiatives and activities of the Working Group approved in the CEC annual program and budget, inclusive of travel and related expenses for their respective members in accordance with the availability of resources and  the  domestic laws of the Parties, and to the extent authorized by each Party; and

AGREES TO REVIEW the operation and mandate of the Working Group in three years from the date hereof.




Victor Lichtinger
Government of the United Mexican States


Karen Redman
Government of Canada


Christine Todd Whitman
Government of the United States of America

Establishment of the Biodiversity Conservation Working Group