Advice to Council 99-09 — Regional Solutions to Global Issues of the Next Millennium

Advice to Council 99-09 — Regional Solutions to Global Issues of the Next Millennium


Regional Solutions to Global Issues of the Next Millennium

The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC), as a result of its own deliberation as well as discussion with the Secretariat, and prompted by the Council’s request for advice, advises Council:

1. To focus on issues an action statement for the new millennium and environmental trends identified in the CEC’s upcoming State of the North American Environment (SOE) report and the initial results of the project on Emerging Trends in North America.

2. To instruct the Secretariat, in cooperation with JPAC, to report to Council by October 1999, on projected results of the CEC’s work on environmental trends into the next millennium. This long-term forecast, along with the SOE, should provide the Council with a basis for developing its millennium statement.

3. To make use of the press and other media in order to move this action statement into the public domain. This should assist future CEC efforts for obtaining direct public involvement.