Advice to Council 99-04 — The Sound Management of Chemicals Program of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Advice to Council 99-04 — The Sound Management of Chemicals Program of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation


The Sound Management of Chemicals Program of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation

IN ACCORDANCE with its 1999 Work Plan, the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) held a joint public session with the Sound Management of Chemicals (SMOC) Working Group on 7 May 1999, in Anchorage, Alaska, which featured very productive exchanges among members of the public, the SMOC Working Group and JPAC;

As a result of this session, JPAC RECOMMENDS THAT:

  • A decision be made by Council at its June 1999 session in Banff to develop North American Regional Action Plans (NARAP) for three substances currently under consideration in the Process for Identifying Candidate Substances for Regional Action-namely hexachlorobenzene, dioxins and furans-which will complete coverage of the 12 persistent organic pollutants identified in the United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council Decision 18/32, recognizing that the targets, actions, and steps are to be discussed during a public consultation and developed by the SMOC Working Group;
  • The substances lindane and lead be moved quickly through the Process for Identifying Candidate Substances for Regional Action so that the development of NARAPs can be initiated.
  • The SMOC Working Group begin planning on how to move beyond a chemical-by-chemical approach;
  • Efforts be made to encourage interagency cooperation within and among the Parties in order to improve the flow of information available to the public resulting from the monitoring of contaminants in the North American environment;
  • Active involvement of indigenous peoples in the design and implementation of the SMOC program be solicited as their intimate knowledge about the environment and its resources can contribute in very tangible ways to a broader understanding of the nature of contaminants; and
  • In order to provide accountability, the Parties report publicly to the CEC on the results of the implementation of all the North American Regional Action Plans to assist the SMOC Working Group to be more proactive and adjust its activities in consequence of these results.