CEC hero image, a photo of Advice to Council 98-06 — Draft Public Participation Guidelines of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Advice to Council 98-06 — Draft Public Participation Guidelines of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Advice to Council 98-06 — Draft Public Participation Guidelines of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation


Draft Public Participation Guidelines of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation

The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC),

IN ITS ROLE as one of the constituent bodies that comprise the CEC,

IN ACCORDANCE with its mandate to provide advice to Council:

  • supports the need for public participation guidelines to assist the CEC in better engaging the North American public in all of its activities.

With Regards to the Draft Public Participation Guidelines prepared by outside consultants currently under review, however the JPAC recommends that:

  • the document not be published in view of its many deficiencies and lack of credibility;
  • the Secretariat, using its in-house expertise, prepare a new text, in consultation with JPAC, and based on the Public Consultation Guidelines previously developed by JPAC.