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Advice to Council 98-03 — Recommendations for Improvements to the 1997 Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Annual Report

Advice to Council 98-03 — Recommendations for Improvements to the 1997 Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Annual Report


Recommendations for Improvements to the 1997 Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Annual Report

The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC):

IN ACCORDANCE with its mandates and in view of its responsibility to promote active public participation and transparency in the actions of the CEC;

Has reviewed the 1996 CEC Annual Report and recommends the following improvements to the 1997 report:

  • that the report is written in language which will attract as wide an audience as possible;
  • that a section be included, either as part of the main text or as an annex, summarizing views and information submitted by non governmental organizations and persons during the course of the various public consultation processes and activities of the CEC;
  • that priority projects which are on-going should be clearly referenced as such in the annual Program at a Glance;
  • that consideration be given to a less glossy production;
  • that the layout be reviewed to improve visual qualities and readability particularly in terms of font size, choice of colors and density of pages, addition of informative visuals and maps;
  • The JPAC members should be listed, with co-ordinates, in the JPAC section or as an Annex; and
  • that a glossary of technical terms and/or jargon be included.