Advice to Council 00-04 — The North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC)

Advice to Council 00-04 — The North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC)


The North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC)

The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC);

IN ACCORDANCE with its mandate to provide advice to Council;

HAVING received and reviewed the draft Internal Review of the North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC);

FURTHER, HAVING had an opportunity to discuss the recommendations contained in this report at a JPAC Regular Session where strong support from the public for continuing and strengthening the NAFEC was received;

RECOGNIZING the important role of the NAFEC in promoting grass roots participation in the work of the CEC, resulting in broader public appreciation for the goals of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC);

AWARE, that the CEC is experiencing budgetary constraints;

JPAC, NEVERTHELESS, strongly recommends that:

a)      the NAFEC be given permanent standing in the CEC work program, and
b)      it be maintained at the level of US$500,000 while efforts are made by the CEC and the Parties to secure additional funding.