NALCMS — The North American Land Change Monitoring System
Initiatives generating land cover information from geospatial data exist at various levels, from national to global. However, depending on user needs, one initiative might be more useful than another. What about regional or continental initiatives? They are less frequent because they often require direct cooperation between different national initiatives, and this involves long-term coordination and […]
North American Native Bee Inventories and Monitoring
Native bees are essential pollinators, yet their populations face threats from multiple drivers, such as habitat loss and climate change. This report highlights current native bee monitoring practices across Canada, Mexico and the United States, showcasing methods, program considerations and innovative approaches such as community science and cultural insights. It offers actionable recommendations to enhance […]
CEC’s work to support the Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network (2015–2016)
The Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network is an online community of local observers and topic experts who share knowledge about unusual animal, environment, and weather events. The Network originated within the Alaska Tribal Health System as a project of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) in 2012 to bring local area experts in rural […]
Bird-related Ecotourism Case Studies
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
Monitoring and Evaluation of Ecotourism Initiatives at Coastal Bird Sites
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
Birding Festivals as Ecotourism Experiences
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
Cultural Values in Ecotourism
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
Interpretation at Coastal Bird Sites
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
Community and Stakeholder Engagement in Ecotourism
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
Marketing Ecotourism for Wildlife and Bird Watching
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
Planning an Ecotourism Initiative
Bird-related ecotourism can be a significant source of additional income for local economies, and can incentivize communities to sustain conservation efforts. This series of training resources was designed to support communities in developing sustainable ecotourism initiatives to generate socio-economic and conservation benefits through activities such as birdwatching, habitat conservation and celebratory events. The brochures are […]
State of Knowledge on North American Pollinator Conservation
Pollinators are crucial to the functioning of natural ecosystems, human well-being and food security. Globally, an estimated 87 percent of plant species depend on animals for pollination, including 75 percent of crop species. This State of Knowledge, intended for scientists, conservation practitioners and government agencies, offers a summary of the current understanding of pollinator conservation, […]