Three countries working together to protect our shared environment

International collaboration between Canada, Mexico and the United States on environmental issues of common interest

In the Spotlight

Youth Gathering on Climate Resilience | North America 2025

March 20, 2025

How to turn ideas into positive climate resilience action? Join us for the Youth Gathering on Climate Resilience, organized by Lift 360, in collaboration with the CEC. During this event, you will be invited to learn from fellow environmental youth leaders across North America and their impactful work across water conservation, circular economy and environmental health.



Featured Project

Enhancing Co-benefits of Marine Protected Areas

2021 Active Ecosystems

The marine environment is inherently connected and transboundary in nature, causing threats to biodiversity to have impacts at local, regional, and global scales. Climate change has increased the need for collaboration across seascapes, as climate change impacts can affect the distribution and movement of species and cause habitat shifts. Marine...

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marine ecosystems

Featured Publication

State of Knowledge on North American Pollinator Conservation

Shared Priorities for the Region

March 24, 2022 54 pages Ecosystems

# 14 in Top Publications

Pollinators are crucial to the functioning of natural ecosystems, human well-being and food security. Globally, an estimated 87 percent of plant species depend on animals for pollination, including 75 percent of crop species.

This State of Knowledge, intended for scientists, conservation practitioners and government agencies, offers a summary of the current understanding of pollinator conservation, highlights the ecosystem services supported by pollinators and explores how social sciences and human dimensions can contribute to pollinator conservation in North America. This report identifies priority conservation actions that would benefit from greater regional collaboration and provides recommendations on integrating human dimension considerations in pollinator conservation work.

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Pollinator Conservation Report

Work With Us

Indigenous Affairs Officer
Job Opportunities

Deadline: March 7, 2025

Salary/Budget: From C$130,000 to C$142,000 gross
Location: Montreal, Quebec

Deadline: March 17, 2025 5:00pm

Salary/Budget: C$80,000.00 (Canadian dollars)
Location: The consultants will work in their own offices.


What We Do

We conduct research, provide tools and training, and provide a unique space for decision-makers and the public to engage on environmental policy issues affecting the North American region.